Student Printing
Georgetown uses PaperCut as the university print service. All active members of the Georgetown University community are eligible to use PaperCut.
You can print a document from your desktop or laptop computer, as well as from your tablet or mobile device. You can print to any printer across campus that is part of the print network. You can also print a document via email, as well as scan your document to your email, Box account, or Google Drive.
Note: You must be connected to the SaxaNet secure wireless network if you’re on campus and want to print using PaperCut.
Click here to find out more about how the print process works in PaperCut.
Locations for Student Print
Click here for a list of public printers for the Main Campus and Medical Center. Click here for a list of public printers for the Capitol Campus.
Printing Costs
Printing in monochrome (black & white) costs 4 cents/side, and printing in color costs 10 cents/side. Undergraduate students will receive $8 in Papercut dollars per semester (200 monochrome prints). Students may apply for additional Papercut dollars by sending an email to the Provost’s Office .
Click here to add money to add debit dollars to your GOCard for printing. (Note: You won’t need to add money if you’re printing as a student employee using your work account.)