New Students
Welcome to Georgetown! Below are new student technology resources you need now to help you hit the ground running.
Accounts and Passwords
Duo Two-Factor Authentication
> Make sure you can log in to GU applications with Duo.
> Set up Mobile GOCard on your iOS or Android device.
> Make sure you can access your residence hall, lab, or other assigned secured locations.
> Review your personal, financial, and student record information.
> Check your course schedule.
> Check the GU academic calendar for upcoming events.
> Find out the name and contact info for your course instructors, and your academic advisor.
> Make sure you can log in to your GU Gmail (Google) account.
> Make sure you can log in to Canvas and see your course sites.
Zoom Web Conferencing
> Download and install Zoom on your computer and mobile device before you need to join a meeting.
> Review your Zoom meeting settings (background, audio, video, etc.).
> Review how Zoom meeting controls work.
> Review how to join a Zoom meeting.