Intro to Technology Services-Med Center Campus

Contacts and Hours of Operation
Below are hours of operation for the Georgetown University offices referenced throughout this page. Operating hours may vary during holidays and intersessions.
Dahlgren Memorial Library (DML)
DML is open 24/7 to Georgetown University faculty, staff, students, and MGUH (MedStar Georgetown University Hospital) affiliates. The library is staffed Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., excluding University holidays. A GOCard or GUH ID is required at all times for entry to the library.
DML is the graduate health and life sciences research library of Georgetown University Medical Center. The library acquires, organizes, and provides access to information services, technology, and resources in support of the mission of the University and the Medical Center.
Georgetown University Service Center
The Service Center is UIS’s online technology support help desk. The Service Center is available Monday – Friday, 7AM – 8PM ET. Contact the Service Center by going to
UIS Service Desk
The Service Desk offers in-person technology assistance for Main Campus and Medical Center students, faculty, and staff. The Service Desk is located in the Leavey Center Bookstore. Click here to view Service Desk operating hours.
In-person assistance is only for those issues that require in-person support.
Monday – Friday: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm*
*Service Desk hours vary during intercession and University holidays. See UIS News & Announcements for any updates to the above hours during these times.
GOCard Office
See for hours.
Information Security Policies
Acceptable Use Policy
The Georgetown Computer Systems Acceptable Use Policy outlines appropriate use of Georgetown information technology resources. Upon enrollment, you are bound by the Acceptable Use Policy, and are responsible for reading the policy and adhering to it.
The Computer Systems Acceptable Use Policy outlines:
- Your responsibilities regarding the use of information technology resources, including the network, computer accounts, hardware, applications, and system files.
- Your obligation to maintain the security and functionality of your computer.
- Your commitment to responsibly and legally use resources
- Standards of publishing and distributing information.
- Implementation and enforcement of the policy.
You can find the Computer Systems Acceptable Use Policy online at
Unauthorized Sharing of Copyrighted Material
The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 2008 requires all colleges and universities to enforce compliance regarding unauthorized file sharing on campus networks. Unauthorized file sharing is a violation of both the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and the University Computer Systems Acceptable Use Policy with which all students are obligated to comply.
Information Security Best Practices
In today’s interconnected world, you must take appropriate precautions to keep your information, data, and the Georgetown network safe. You are responsible for keeping your computer and data secure, maintaining security best practices, adhering to university computing policies when on the Georgetown network, and responsibly using online resources such as email and Canvas.
Keep Your Devices Safe and Secure. Make sure your computer is safe and secure at all times.
Stay Up to Date
- Be sure your devices and applications are always up to date with the latest security patches and updates. Turn on auto updates for your operating system and other applications, such as Microsoft Word.
- Pay attention to UIS security alerts. See “News & Announcements” on the University Information Security Office (UISO) Web site for up-to-date alerts.
- Install an antivirus program and run regular scans. You can install Symantec Endpoint Protection for free from the Georgetown University Software Webstore for Students.
Protect Your Device
- Password protect your device.
- Physically secure your laptop and mobile devices at all times.
- Do not leave your device unattended.
- Register your laptop with the Georgetown University Police Department (GUPD) by going to
Password and Account Protection
- Protect your NetID and password—your NetID and password are the keys to your student identity, including all of your demographic data, your grades, your email, and any connected files.
- Create a strong password for your NetID and all your accounts, and change them regularly.
- Never share your NetID password with anyone.
- Do not use your NetID password on other accounts.
- Enroll in Duo, Georgetown’s two-factor authentication service (required for all students).
- Disable automatic logins
- Log out of all accounts, especially when using a public computer
- Set a screen lock on your device to activate after one minute of idle time.
- Use caution in allowing apps access to your email account. Phishing
- Use caution when browsing the Internet.
- Know the signs of phishing and other scams, and avoid clicking on links and email attachments.
Social Media
- Protect your social media account credentials.
- Limit the personal information you share on social media
- THINK before you post—is it True? Helpful? Inspiring? Necessary? Kind? Posts are permanent and never disappear from the Internet. Make sure your social media presence reflects the best of you.
- Do not post photos of you or others engaging in questionable or illegal activity.
- Check and update your privacy settings regularly.
- Disable location settings so you don’t update followers with your exact location when you post.
Reporting a Security Incident
Georgetown University’s Cyber Incident Response Team (CIRT) is responsible for detecting and responding to security threats against Georgetown’s network, its systems, and you. The CIRT monitors for threats against our network and devices including phishing, emails, compromised accounts, computer malware, system vulnerabilities and network forensics.
Email for all suspected incidents including:
- Phishing emails
- Fraudulent login attempts
- Suspected vulnerabilities
- Network compromises
For complaints about physical security, call DPS at (202) 687-4343 or the DC Police Department at (202) 727-1000. Check out the UISO Web site,, for security alerts and announcements, guidelines and policies, and recommendations for protecting your data.
Your GOCard (Georgetown One Card)
Your Georgetown One Card (GOCard) is the official identification card of Georgetown University, and much more! It’s the way to pay for your purchases on and off campus, do laundry, and pay for your textbooks. Your GOCard can be used as the following:
- Official identification card
- Access card
- Debit card (on and off campus)
- Dining card
- Flex dollars (on campus dining)
- Departmental account card
- Laundry card
- Printing and copying card
- Parking card
Getting Your GOCard
Medical Center students can pick up their GOCard upon arriving on campus. Please note that you must schedule an appointment. To schedule an appointment, and to view hours of operation, please visit
For more information, please visit .
Your GOCard Debit Account
The GOCard works a lot like a bank debit card. The funds can be used for purchases at many locations on and off campus. This debit feature is perhaps the most popular, due to its convenient easy usage.
You can use your GOCard to pay for the following:
- Textbooks at the campus bookstore
- Snacks and drinks from vending machines
- Copying and printing in libraries and computer labs
- Laundry in residence halls
- Purchases at on-campus stores
- Purchases at nearby stores and restaurants.
See a complete list at
Deposit Options
You can make deposits online before you arrive on campus. Deposit funds online with a MasterCard or Visa card at
You may transfer up to $1500 of your Student Account Refund to your GOCard Debit Dollars Account. No waiting for a refund in the mail or for funds to be available from your bank. You can request a student account transfer to your GOCard by emailing GOCardb2b@ For more information, please visit
If Your GOCard is Lost or Stolen
If your GOCard is lost or stolen, immediately suspend it at
Getting Help with Your GOCard
- Online:
- Email:
- Phone: (202) 687-4949
- UIS Service Desk (Main Campus): Please make sure to schedule an appointment by going to
Your Network Identifier: NetID
You will use your NetID to log in to most of Georgetown University’s computer lab computers and online services. You will continue to use your NetID to access university systems and services, such as unofficial transcripts in MyAccess, even after graduation.
Your NetID is automatically eligible for the majority of online services. You may need to apply for certain additional services, even though you already have a NetID.
Getting Your NetID
Information on NetIDs and temporary NetID passwords are sent to your personal e-mail address or included in your registration packet. When on campus, you can also look up your NetID in the Georgetown University online directory at You can also contact the Service Center at 202-687-4949 for assistance.
Setting a Permanent NetID Password
New students must create a permanent NetID password to replace the one in their letters. Use the password management tool to change your password. To set a permanent password:
1. Think of a strong permanent password.
A Strong Password …
- Is at least eight characters in length.
- Contains at least one uppercase or lowercase letter.
- Contains at least one number.
- Contains at least one punctuation mark or symbol (!@#$%^&*()_+|~-=\‘{}[]:”;’<>?,./).
- Is not derived from a dictionary word or simple pattern such as abcdefgh.
2. Go to (GU’s online password management system) to select three hint questions and enter answers, and then change the password. These hint questions and answers will allow you to reset your password if you forget it during the semester.
Protecting Your NetID Password
Telling someone your NetID password gives them access to your grades, e-mail, schedule, and more. You may be held accountable if your password is misused. Never share your NetID password and always log off all public workstations. Change your password immediately if you think someone has obtained it. Follow the instructions in “Setting a Permanent NetID Password.”
Don’t use your NetID password as your password for other sites. It’s generally a good idea to use different passwords for different sites to ensure that a compromise of one system would not affect another one.
All students are also required to enroll in Duo, Georgetown’s two-factor authentication service that provides an extra level of security for your Georgetown password and data. For more information about Duo and how to enroll, visit
If You Forget Your NetID or Password
You can find out your NetID by looking yourself up in the Georgetown University online directory at
If you forget your NetID password, you can reset your password online by enrolling in the online password management system, Password Station, at
We recommend you change your password right away rather than memorizing the default one.
Getting Help with Your NetID
To get help with your NetID, contact the GU Service Center by going to
Connecting to the Internet
You can connect your computer or mobile device to the Internet through WiFi connections. Instructions and assistance are available from the GU Service Center, the DML Information Services Desk, the DML BACC staff, and on the UIS Web site at
Georgetown WiFi Services includes the following secure and unsecured networks:
- SaxaNet (secure; log in with your NetID and NetID password). You must set up a strong password to log in.
- GURegistered (not secure; for gaming devices, printers, smart TVs; currently only available in residence halls). Register your device by going to
- GuestNet (not secure; for visitors to Georgetown)
- Eduroam (for visiting scholars) You connect to SaxaNet by logging in with your NetID and password.
To connect to SaxaNet, you will need a wireless-enabled device. Additional information about Georgetown Wireless Services is available at
Internet Kiosks
You can check your email or search the Web at an Internet kiosk. Internet kiosks can be found at the following locations:
- ILC Corridor, G-level, Pre-clinical Science building
- DML lobby, G-level, Pre-clinical Science building
- Gelardin New Media Center, Lauinger Library
- St. Mary’s Hall, first floor lounge
- Blommer Science Library, Reiss 302
- Sellinger Lounge, Leavey Center
You do not need to log in with and ID to Internet kiosks.
Getting Help with Connecting
- Visit the BACC in the lower level of DML, or call (202) 687-1448.
- Schedule an appointment with the UIS Service Desk.
- Contact the GU Service Center by going to
Georgetown Google Apps
All Georgetown University students receive Georgetown Google Apps accounts upon enrollment. Most instructors use email to communicate with their students, and official university messages and announcements are sent via email.
Your User Name and Password
Your University NetID functions as your Georgetown Google Apps user name. In other words, your Georgetown e-mail address will be
Your NetID password functions as your Georgetown Google Apps password. New students should reset their temporary password before they access Georgetown Google Apps.
Getting Help with GU Google Apps
The Biomedical Academic Computing Center (BACC), via the BACC Squad DML student staff, and UIS, both provide help with Georgetown Google Apps. For more information on how to log in to or use Georgetown Google Apps, go to
Visit the BACC in the lower level of DML or contact the Library’s Information Desk at (202) 687-1448.
Technology Training
UIS and the Lauinger Library’s Gelardin New Media Center offer free technology training classes and computer-based training tutorials. For details, visit
Your Course Schedule
Medical students can sync their course schedules onto an iOS or Android device. Details are available at
- Visit the calendar sync page, syncselect, and log in to your Georgetown Google account.
- Check or uncheck the names of any calendars.
- Click Save.
- When you’re done, refresh your calendar.
1. On your computer, go to the class calendar from the SoM Web site.
2. Click on Class Calendar.
3. Click the +Google Calendar button located at the bottom right-hand corner. Your Google Calendar should open and be displayed as “Other Calendar”.
4. Visit the Google Calendar Sync Settings page and log in to your Georgetown Google account.
5. Check or uncheck the names of any calendars.
6. Click Save.
7. When you’re done, refresh your calendar.
Computing Facilities
Biomedical Academic Computing Center
The Biomedical Academic Computing Center (BACC) is the main computer lab for GUMC students. The lab is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and is staffed on weekdays until 4pm. The BACC is located on the lower level of DML. The lab is equipped with state-of-the-art computing and audiovisual equipment, a computer classroom, and study rooms.
Note: Because of the specialized software available on the BACC Lab computers, the BACC Lab is primarily intended for use by GUMC students, faculty, and staff. You will need to log in to the computers with your NetID and password.
BACC Equipment
- More than 75 Windows computers
- Black-and-white and color laser printers
- Audio station
- Video station
Logging in to BACC Computers
Log in to BACC computers with your NetID and NetID password.
Printing in BACC
Black-and-white and color printers are available in the BACC. Pay for printing with your GOCard debit account. BACC Software Collection The BACC workstations are equipped with medical, nursing, statistical, media, and office software.
SNHS Computer Lab
School of Nursing and Health Studies students have exclusive use of the SNHS Computer Lab in G-01 St. Mary’s Hall. The lab is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
NHS students’ GOCards are programmed to allow them to gain access to the room. Students must use the printer inside G-01 in order to use the NHS Student free print allocation (currently 500 per semester, $.05 for each page over 500). Printing done at any other location must be paid for at whatever the posted charge is at that location.
For questions or issues with the SNHS Computer Lab, please email
DML 24-hour Computer Lab
24-hour computing is available at DML in the BACC Lab, and also with the computers in the DML lobby and BACC lower level and study rooms.
Because of the specialized software available on the BACC Lab computers, the BACC Lab is primarily intended for use by GUMC students, faculty and staff. You will need to log in to the computers with your NetID and password.
MedStar Computers for Medical Students on SEB-1
There are two MedStar computers available for Medical Students on SEB-1 (Med-Dent, basement level, right beside the stairway) which can be used to access MedConnect, SiEMA and other MedStar systems.
Access to this room is granted by reservations that can be made at the SOM Room Reservations page, and access to those computers will require MedStar credentials.
Getting Help with Medical Center Computing Facilities
For more information about Medical Center computing facilities, visit the DML Technology Services page. For help, contact the DML main Information Services Desk at (202) 687-1448 or visit the BACC.
Hardware and Software
UIS assists the university community with finding optimal and cost-effective computer hardware, software, and peripherals.
Getting Hardware
You can buy computers and other hardware directly from the manufacturers at academic discount prices.
• Visit the Staples GU ordering page for current computer promotions.
• Visit the UIS mobile devices page for mobile device discounts and links to vendor discount program Web sites.
UIS strongly recommends buying a warranty (that covers accidents, if available) with your new computer. You can get warranty details from your retailer or manufacturer.
Getting Software
You can download free antivirus software and find information about academic discount pricing for software such as Microsoft Office by visiting the Georgetown University Software Webstore for Students.
SOM Laptop and Cell Phone Requirements
The School of Medicine utilizes multiple software applications to deliver curriculum, enable students to exams securely, and keep students engaged in active learning.
Students are required to have and maintain a laptop and a cellphone capable of running all the applications utilized by the School of Medicine, the requirements described below. Students are also required to have Internet connectivity at home with enough bandwidth to sustain video conferences with multiple users.
Laptop Requirement
Students are required to have and maintain a laptop with a working camera, microphone, and speakers, as well as capable of running Windows or Apple operational systems.
Although tablets (e.g., iPad) can be very useful for note taking, they cannot be used to replace a Windows or Apple laptop because they are not capable of running several of the SOM-required software.
Microsoft Surface Pro meets the requirement if it is running Windows OS.
A Chromebook or other laptop not based on Windows or Apple OS does not meet this requirement.
Cell Phone Requirement
Students are also required to have and maintain a cellphone with a working camera, microphone, and speakers. Your device must also be capable of running Android or Apple operating systems, as well as running mobile applications such as Zoom and Reef by iClickers.
Cell phones running operating systems other than Apple or Android do not meet this requirement.
Library Research Resources
DML provides health and life sciences resources and information services to GUMC students, faculty, and staff, and MGUH clinicians.
Library Research and Resources
DML provides a variety of electronic resources to assist you with your research. All are accessible through the DML Web site.
- Research databases (including journal databases, drug references, and EBM resources)
- Electronic Journals and e-books
- Library catalog
Access to Research Tools
Use your Georgetown University NetID username and password to access the library’s online resources from on or off campus.
Library Instruction
Upon request, DML librarians will conduct library instruction tailored to your needs. For more information, visit the DML Web site.
Your Classes Online: Canvas
Canvas is a Web-based course management system currently used at Georgetown University. However, not every course you take will require you to use this course management system; it may be optional in some classes. Your instructor will tell you if you need to use Canvas as part of your coursework.
You can log in to Canvas to identify your course sites. Make sure to log in to view the courses you’re enrolled in for the current term. Click here to log in to Canvas.
- Not all instructors will use Canvas, so you might not be able to access all of your courses in Canvas. If you are unsure, please contact your instructor directly and inquire about which platform they will be using for their course. You can look for your instructor’s contact information in the Georgetown University online directory.
- Canvas may take up to 24 hours to display your course enrollments after registering.
- Your instructor will need to “Publish” a course site in Canvas for you to see it. To make sure you’re enrolled in a course, please check the MyAccess page. If you are not enrolled in a course through the Registrar’s system, then the course will not be displayed in Canvas.
Accessing Canvas
You can access Canvas from any computer connected to the Internet.
- Open your Web browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox).
- Go to the Canvas login page.
- Log in with your NetID and NetID password. (Note: Make sure to have your mobile device on hand so you can accept the Duo notification.)
Getting Help with Canvas
This page provides phone, live chat, visual documentation support, and information on other sources of Canvas help available at Georgetown.
Your Records: MyAccess
MyAccess is a Web application you can use to access your student records any time you need them.
Some MyAccess Services
- Register for classes
- View your schedule
- View your grades
- View an unofficial transcript
- View or change records of your permanent, local, grading, billing, next of kin, and alternate next of kin addresses
- View or pay your tuition and student account, or authorize a third party to do so
- Set up a tuition payment plan
Using MyAccess
- Go to the MyAccess portal and then click MyAccess.
- Log in with your NetID and NetID password.
(Important: Make sure you have your mobile device with you, and turn on notifications before you log in, so you can verify your identity in Duo.)
Technology Training
Free technology training classes are conducted by UIS, CNDLS, and the Gelardin New Media Center. To see the latest class offerings, visit the UIS Training page. You can also view the latest workshops given by Gelardin New Media Center.
The Library provides all Georgetown faculty, students, and staff unlimited access to LinkedIn Learning, a collection of high-quality video tutorials where you can learn the latest software tools and professional skills with over 16,000 courses on business, creative, and technology topics.