Georgetown Room/Space Request System FAQ


What is the Georgetown Room/Space Request System?

The Georgetown University Room/Space Request System is a single point of entry for Georgetown students, faculty and staff to use to reserve a university room/space. This includes indoor and outdoor spaces that require reservation.

Does the reservation system take the place of Google Calendar?

No, at this time it doesn’t take the place of Google Calendar. You can continue to use Google Calendar to reserve a meeting room or conference room; however, you’ll need to use the Georgetown University Room/Space Request System to reserve special events spaces.

What types of spaces are available for reservation?

Among the types of rooms/spaces available are classrooms, conference rooms, auditorium rooms, lecture rooms, as well as many outdoor spaces.

Are all rooms/spaces available in the system?

At this time, not all rooms and spaces are available in the system. However, we are continuing to add rooms and spaces into the system.

For what types of events can I request a space?

You can request space for nearly any university-sanctioned event, such as meetings, conferences, training workshops, study sessions, symposiums, lectures/presentations, or music performances.

What are the policies and procedures for reserving space at each campus?

Even though all Georgetown campuses merged their room/space systems, you’ll still need to take additional actions, and be aware of other important items, that apply to your campus.

For more information, click the appropriate link from the following list:

Accounts and System Access

Do I need an account to access the room/space request system?

Yes, you will need an account to access the system. Please note the following:

  • Main Campus. Your account will be created when you log in using your NetID and password. You will have access to request classrooms and special events equipment for the Main Campus. If you need to request other spaces, please contact the appropriate representatives per the contact table on the Eventspace Web site.
  • McDonough School of Business. Your account will be created when you log in using your NetID and password. You will have access to request only MSB space. For access to other areas, such as Main Campus classrooms, please contact the appropriate office per the table listed on the Eventspace Web site.
  • School of Medicine. You will have accounts created automatically when you log in, but will have access only to Medical Center spaces.
  • Law Center/Capitol Campus. You will need to request that an account be created for you. For more information, log into the reservation system and then click on the account request form link for the Law Center/Capitol Campus.

How do I request a Virtual EMS account?

Go to the Georgetown Room/Space Request page and then click on the link Log into Georgetown University Space Request System.

Can I access the room/space request system from off campus?

Yes, but make sure you’re not connected to the Georgetown VPN. However, you can only access the system from a Web browser (there is no app available for mobile device access).

How do I install the room/space request system desktop client?

Windows users can install the desktop client by following the steps on the EMS Windows Desktop Client Installation page. An Apple client is not available.

The desktop client is for space managers. To reserve space, please use the Georgetown Room/Space Request page.

How can I install the room/space request system mobile app

You can install it by going to the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android) and searching on “EMS Mobile App”. Log in with the appropriate ID to proceed with the install.

Room/Space Requests and Reservations

Can I request a space from a different campus than the one to which I belong?

Generally, you can’t request space from a different campus. If you are on the Main Campus, you can reserve a classroom in the McDonough School of Business, and vice versa. However, students, faculty, and staff from the Law Center/Capitol Campus and the Medical Center can only request a room/space on their respective campuses, unless they submit a request to that campus.

How can I find out the details about a room/space?

To view the details (e.g., features, setup type, equipment, availability) about a room/space, select Browse Facilities from the Browse menu, scroll through the displayed list to find the desired room/space, and then click on the room/space name to display its details.

Who can book a room/space?

All Georgetown students, faculty and staff can use the system to request a room/space. However, specific restrictions and policies may apply; see the policies and procedures for the area you wish to request.

Can I view the availability of a room/space before I book it?

Yes. You can view even before you log in. To view this information, please use either Browse > Browse Facilities or use Browse > Browse for Space.

What equipment is provided for a room/space?

Each room/space comes with a standard setup. Some rooms/spaces will already come with equipment, but for other rooms/spaces you’ll have to submit a request for the equipment you’ll need.

Click the appropriate link below for the type of equipment you’ll need. (Note: You can also request equipment from the reservation system by selecting Special Events Equipment Only Requests from the Reservations menu.)

How do I reserve a space using the Georgetown Room/Space Reservation System?

  1. Open a web browser and go to the Georgetown Space Request page.
  2. Click on the appropriate campus button or select Log In from the My Account menu.
  3. Enter your NetID and password. (Note:  Your NetID might already be filled in.) You will see a Reservations tab that contains request forms (such as Classroom Request Main Campus Staff) for areas in which you are authorized to request a room/space.
  4. Click on the Reservations tab, and then select the appropriate form. You will be taken to the request page.
  5. Fill in the necessary information and then click on the Find Space button. The Location tab will open with all rooms/spaces that meet your attributes. If the area under the time is clear, the space might be available for the time period you specified; if the area is filled in, the space is not available for that time period.
  6. Select a room/space by clicking the plus sign icon next to the room/space name. The room/space listing will be moved to Selected Locations. (Note:
  7. If you can’t find a room/space, this means you may not have access to view and reserve it.
  8. For example, Law Center/Capitol Campus and Medical Center students, faculty, and staff can only view and reserve the rooms/spaces from their respective campuses. Main Campus (GEMS) and MSB students, faculty, and staff can view rooms/spaces from their own and each other’s campuses.
  9. Your affiliation also may also determine the rooms/spaces to which you can access.
  10. If you can’t find a room/space, this means you may not have access to view and reserve it.
  11. For example, Law Center/Capitol Campus and Medical Center students, faculty, and staff can only view and reserve the rooms/spaces from their respective campuses. Main Campus (GEMS) and MSB students, faculty, and staff can view rooms/spaces from their own and each other’s campuses.
  12. Your affiliation also may also determine the rooms/spaces to which you can access.
  13. Click on a room/space name to view details about that room/space.)
  14. Click Continue when you’re done. The Details page will open.
  15. On the Details page, enter all the required information and as much of the non-required information as possible. If you can complete as much information as you can, it’ll be much easier for your request to be processed.
  16. Click Submit when you’re done. The Reservations Details page will be displayed showing the details of your request.

You will also receive an email letting you know that your request is being processed, and you will be notified when your request has been approved or not approved.

Can I view the details of a pending room/space reservation?

Yes. Just select View My Requests from the Reservations menu, and then click on the event name.

I need to make an urgent room/space reservation request, whom should I contact?

For an urgent request, see the table below:

Location Phone Email
Main Campus (GEMS) 202-687-3726
Main Campus (Registrar/Classrooms) 202-687-4020
Law Center/Capitol Campus 202-662-9292
McDonough School of Business 202-687-4721
School of Medicine NONE

How long will it take for my request to be approved?

In most cases, your request should be reviewed within 48-72 hours of your request. You will be notified by mail whether your request has or hasn’t been approved. You can also check View My Requests to check the status of your request.

How do I request equipment for spaces not managed by GEMS?

Go to, log in, and then submit an “Equipment-Only Request.”  Equipment can be set up in any campus space where you can provide access. Please notify the manager of the space if you submit a request.

Can I cancel a room/space reservation?

Yes. To cancel a room/space reservation, perform the following:

  1. Select View My Requests from the Reservations menu.
  2. Click on the name of the event you want to cancel, and then click Cancel Bookings.
  3. Under the section Bookings available to cancel, select the event you want to cancel, and then click Cancel Bookings.
  4. In the pop-up window, select a reason for the cancellation from the drop-down menu and then click Cancel Booking(s). A confirmation pop-up window will be displayed that your selected bookings were cancelled.

How do I know if my requested reservation was approved?

Once the approving authority approves use of the space, the status of your event will change to Approved and you will receive a confirmation e-mail. If your request is declined, you will receive notification from the approving authority.

You can check the status of your room/space requests at any time by going to My Reservations.

Getting Help/Troubleshooting

Who can I contact for help?

Use the appropriate contact information for your campus from the following table:

Location Phone Email
Main Campus (GEMS) 202-687-3726
Main Campus (Registrar/Classrooms) 202-687-4020
Law Center/Capitol Campus 202-662-9292
McDonough School of Business 202-687-4721
School of Medicine NONE

You can also contact

Is there online help available for the room/space request system?

Yes, you can visit the EMS (Event Management System) Video Tutorials Web page, which covers a wide range of help topics.

I can’t log in to the room/space request system.

  • Make sure your Caps Lock key is turned off.
  • Close your Web browser (or browser tab), reopen a new one, and try logging in again.
  • If you’re running Georgetown Duo, make sure you check your device for a Duo notification. Swipe the notification, then tap Approve to log in.

My session timed out in the middle of a room/space request.

The system may time out after a period of inactivity; if this happens, you’ll have to log back in again and then restart the reservation process. (Note:  Some of your input might still be saved.)

I can’t find the room/space I want to reserve.

If you can’t find a room/space, this means you may not have access to view and reserve it.

For example, Law Center/Capitol Campus and Medical Center students, faculty, and staff can only view and reserve the rooms/spaces from their respective campuses. Main Campus (GEMS) and MSB students, faculty, and staff can view rooms/spaces from their own and each other’s campuses.

Your affiliation also may also determine the rooms/spaces to which you have access.

Please contact the space manager or EMS manager for your campus for account assistance.

I have not received email notifications for my room/space request.

To allow email notifications from the client, perform the following:

  1. Select User Preferences.
  2. In the Preferences window, enter your Georgetown email address in the User Name field and your NetID password in the Password field.
  3. In Google Security Settings, make sure to allow Less Secure Apps in the sending user’s profile.
  4. Click OK.