RT Staff and Contact Info
Director, Research Technologies
Alisa Kang
Phone: 202-687-5156 | E-mail: alisa.kang@georgetown.edu
With background in basic virology research and database management, Alisa is very passionate about providing IT support to enable research and helping transform data into knowledge.
Alisa is an IT representative with the GUMC Research Committee and GUMC Faculty Development Committee. She is also the XSEDE Campus Champion for Georgetown.
Prior to joining GU, Alisa was with Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research, Inc. (NIBR), the research arm of Novartis International AG. She managed NIBR’s research databases in the U.S. and worked on forging alignment of IT and research objectives and delivered IT solutions and project management. Alisa worked at several startup biotech companies prior to joining NIBR.
Alisa earned her first B.S. in Biology from Arizona State University, a second B.S. in Computer and Information Science from the University of Maryland, and an M.A. in Microbiology/Genetics from Duke University.
Senior Systems Analyst
Dave Zapple
Phone: 202-687-2958
Email: zappled@georgetown.edu
Dave began his career as a US Air Force First Special Operations Wing (SOW). With robotics, machinist, and HVAC training, Dave came to GU in 1987 to network and support the first computer lab at Dahlgren Library in the Medical Center. He next co-created the Georgetown MedNetwork regulatory information system with the first Dean of Research, Dr. Alan Faden, Dr. Ken Dretchen, and Steve Moore. Also at that time, Dave began a long career in designing and fabricating custom Medical Research instrumentation driven by micro-controlers. He has publications in Nature Protocols, Journal of Neurotrama, and Neurobiology of Disease. He came to UIS in 2000 to co-create the Advanced Research Computing (ARC) division. Today, Dave develops instrumentation for Dr. Mark Burns, Dept. of Neuroscience, GUMC, the Shock Trauma Lab at U-MD. Dave’s custom-fabricated instrumentation was critical to the success of a first-of-its-kind study, published in the March 2016 issue of American Journal of Pathology.