Troubleshooting SUA Issues

I don’t know who can enter my completed SUA form.
Please contact the Georgetown department that is sponsoring you to be associated with Georgetown University or the Georgetown University department of human resources. Georgetown departments can contact if there are any specific technical issues or questions.

The Associate’s paperwork has been processed but s/he still doesn’t have a NetID.
The likely cause is that one of the three email messages–to the Associate, the Sponsor, or the Attester–has not been acted upon.

  • Each individual should check their spam folder for a message from Georgetown with a header beginning ACTION REQUIRED.
  • The Associate’s email address may have been entered with a typo.

Send an email to for help in identifying the issue.

The Associate’s given name and surname were entered with a typo or switched at the point of entry. How do we get it fixed?
Send an email to to get it corrected.

My Associate has a NetID, but is unable to pick up a GOCard or use the VPN, and doesn’t appear in the directory.

These services are requested on the original SUA application form. The request(s) may be missing from the form or the submitter may have accidentally missed them. Send an email to to get it corrected.

My record expired and I no longer have access to email, GOCard, and other university services.

Please contact the department sponsoring you to be at Georgetown University. The original sponsor must renew your GU association.