Installing Google Drive for Desktop (Mac)

Important: Before you start, check that your operating system is compatible with Drive for desktop.

  1. From a Finder window, delete the old Google Drive folder from your computer. (The folder should be listed under “Devices”.)
  2. If you haven’t already done so, log in to your Georgetown Google Apps account.
  3. From your Web browser, go to the Google Drive for Desktop home page.
  4. On the next page, click Install & set up Drive for desktop for MacOS, and then click DOWNLOAD FOR MAC.
    Clicking 'Download for Mac' to download installer file.
  5. Go to your Downloads folder to locate the downloaded installer file, GoogleDrive.dmg. Double-click on the installer file.
  6. From the pop-up window, double-click the GoogleDrive.pkg file.
    Double-clicking installer file from pop-up window.
  7. In the pop-up window displayed, click Continue.
    Clicking 'Continue'.
  8. Click Install in the next window.
    Clicking 'Install' to start the installation process.
  9. In the next window, click Use Password.
    Clicking 'Use Password' to sign in using your computer password.
  10. Enter your computer password, and then click Install Software to start the installation process.
    Entering your computer password, and then clicking 'Install Software' to start the installation process.
  11. After a few moments, you should see the following install confirmation message. Click Close.
    Clicking 'Close' in the confirmation window.
  12. If you see the pop-up window shown below, click Move to Trash.
    Clicking 'Move to Trash' to delete the installer file.