Digital Courseware and Publishers
- Barnes & Noble College
- Cengage Learning
- FlatWorld Homework
- Harvard Business School Publishing
- Lingco
- Macmillan Learning
- McGraw-Hill Campus DI / Connect
- myBusinessCourse
- MyLab and Mastering
- Pearson Access
- W.W. Norton
Barnes & Noble College
Enabled in Canvas: Course Menu, Assignments, Modules
The BN Bookstore tool in Canvas provides instructors the ability to link their course with the campus bookstore, where students will see the materials selected for your course, and be able to purchase those materials. BN Faculty Resources tool can be used by instructors in Canvas for researching, adopting, and sharing textbooks and course materials; making it easier for students to access a variety of affordable options in all the formats available from the bookstore.
Support for this tool is provided by Barnes & Noble College. The GU Service Center and Canvas Support may not be able to resolve issues related with this tool.
Cengage Learning
Enabled in Canvas: Assignments, Modules
You may need to pay to access this tool.
Cengage Learning integrates with Canvas and provides web-based textbooks that include interactive, multimedia resources, flashcards and assessments.
Support for this tool is provided by Cengage. The GU Service Center and Canvas Support may not be able to resolve issues related with this tool.
FlatWorld Homework
Enabled in Canvas: Assignments, Modules
You may need to pay to access this tool.
FlatWorld Homework is an educational publisher that can be integrated in Canvas and is used to create and administer assignments that are automatically graded and recorded in the Canvas gradebook.
To provide the best possible experience with FlatWorld Homework we recommend setting your email address as the default contact method in Canvas. If faculty and staff have claimed their email alias then it’s likely set as the default contact address in Canvas. You can check to see what your current contact email is in Canvas, and change your contact email address in Canvas to your NetID.
Support for this tool is provided by FlatWorld. The GU Service Center and Canvas Support may not be able to resolve issues related with this tool.
Harvard Business School Publishing
Enabled in Canvas: Rich Content Editor
Harvard Business School Publishing is only available for McDonough School of Business Canvas courses.
You may need to pay to access this tool.
Harvard Business Publishing offers a complete catalog of business case studies, articles, books, and simulations that can be integrated with Canvas.
Support for this tool is provided by Harvard Business School Publishing. The GU Service Center and Canvas Support may not be able to resolve issues related with this tool.
Enabled in Canvas: Course Menu, Assignments, Modules
Instructors will need to contact Lingco prior to enabling the tool in Canvas. Please reach out to for more information.
You may need to pay to access this tool.
Lingco Classroom is an online personalized language learning platform for students that’s integrated in Canvas. It uses artificial intelligence to quickly assess students’ existing language level so it can guide them, fix their mistakes, and work on exactly what they need in order to improve. It provides instructors with real-time insights on where their students are struggling and uses machine learning to recommend activities and content for the instructors to assign.
Support for this tool is provided by Lingco. The GU Service Center and Canvas Support may not be able to resolve issues related with this tool.
Macmillan Learning
Enabled in Canvas: Course Menu, Assignments, Modules
You may need to pay to access this tool.
Instructors can link their Macmillan Learning e-textbooks and other materials to their Canvas course. This includes the polling tool iClicker Cloud.
Support for this tool is provided by Macmillan Learning. The GU Service Center and Canvas Support may not be able to resolve issues related with this tool.
McGraw-Hill Campus DI / Connect
Enabled in Canvas: Course Menu, Assignments, Modules
You may need to pay to access this tool.
McGraw-Hill Campus DI / Connect is an educational publisher that provides customized educational content that integrates with Canvas. They also provide reference and trade publications for the medical, business, and engineering professions.
Support for this tool is provided by McGraw Hill. The GU Service Center and Canvas Support may not be able to resolve issues related with this tool.
Enabled in Canvas: Assignments, Modules, Rich Content Editor
myBusinessCourse is only available for McDonough School of Business Canvas courses.
You may need to pay to access this tool.
myBusinessCourse provides lecture videos created by the authors of the textbook, as well as quizzes and assignments that integrates with Canvas.
Support for this tool is provided by myBusinessCourse. The GU Service Center and Canvas Support may not be able to resolve issues related with this tool.
MyLab and Mastering
Enabled in Canvas: Course Menu, Assignments, Modules
You may need to pay to access this tool.
Pearson MyLab and Mastering provides collections of online homework, tutorial, assessment products, and digital textbooks that integrate with Canvas.
If you are using this product please transition to Pearson Access.
Support for this tool is provided by Pearson. The GU Service Center and Canvas Support may not be able to resolve issues related with this tool.
Pearson Access
Enabled in Canvas: Course Menu, Assignments, Modules, RCE
You may need to pay to access this tool.
Pearson Access provides collections of online homework and assessment products, as well as digital textbooks that integrate with Canvas.
Support for this tool is provided by Pearson. The GU Service Center and Canvas Support may not be able to resolve issues related with this tool.
W.W. Norton
Enabled in Canvas: Assignments, Modules
You may need to pay to access this tool.
W.W. Norton provides collections of online assessment products, and digital textbooks that integrate with Canvas.
Support for this tool is provided by W.W. Norton. The GU Service Center and Canvas Support may not be able to resolve issues related with this tool.