Calendar: Event Manager Guide

As an Event Manager, you are able to edit and create events and then publish them to the Georgetown websites that you have been approved to publish to. You are also able to request that your event is listed on the overall university calendar (see guidance for these types of events) See the list of departments and event managers to check your access. The calendar system is at

Logging In

To log in as an Event Manager, go to and you will be forwarded to a login page where you need to login with your NetID if you are not already logged in.


The Events Calendar is an extension on the website and therefore, is on WordPress. If you are a content editor on another Georgetown website, the interface will look familiar to you.


Under Events, you will see a variety of places you can navigate to.


This is the page that shows a list of all the events that have been added to the Events Calendar system. There are several columns you will see:

  1. Title: The title of the event
  2. Author: The individual that created the event
  3. Event Categories: The type of event (e.g. Academic, Research, Music)
  4. Tags: These are tags that have been carried over from event that have been migrated from Localist or tags that have been added in the Event Editor.
  5. Comments: Comments are not enabled on Events
  6. Last Modified: When the event was last edited
  7. GU Publish Status: Publish Status: This shows which sites the event has been or will be published to. For example, if the event has been published to the Beeck Center website, “Beeck Center” will appear in this column. Additionally, if the event has been published to “Top tier,” the event will show on the Events Calendar.
  8. Recurring: If the event is a recurring event
  9. Outgoing Links:
  10. Start Date: The date in which the event starts
  11. End Date: The date in which the event ends. If the event takes place on one day, the start and end date will be the same.


We recommend that you click on Screen Options at the very top of the page and select or deselect which columns you’d like to view. We typically only include Title, Author, Last Modified, GU Publish Status, and Start Date.

You’ll only need to do this once!

Add New

Clicking on Add New will bring up the editor where you would enter in information about an event.


Venues are the event locations. If you need to add a new event location, you may do so under Venues. However, locations that are entered while adding a new event either through the editor or through the submission form, will be added to Venues automatically.


Organizers are the event hosts. If you need to add a new event host, you may do so under Organizers. However, contact names and emails that are entered while adding a new event either through the editor or through the submission form, will be added to Organizers automatically.


DO NOT USE import events. If you have many events that need to be added at once, please contact the Office of Public Affairs at


Clicking on Media will take you to the Media Gallery. The Media Gallery is where files, primarily photos, are stored in WordPress. This is where you can choose a featured photo for an event.

In addition, if you click Add New under Media, you will be able to upload a photo to the Media Library to use as the featured photo for your event.


Under Profile is simply your user profile. This is where you can change your name and the name that displays to the public.

Managing Events

Finding Your Events

  1. Click on Events in the left sidebar.
Events interface
  1. To see the events for your school or department, you can click on dropdown All Schools/Departments, select the desired school or department and then click Filter.
Events filter for schools/departments
  1. After selecting events by school or department, you can further filter by publication status to see which events have been published or still need to be published. Unpublished events will also show your department name as yellow under GU Publish Status. Unless they are published and green, they will not appear in your department calendar.
Filter by event publication status


We recommend you review your unpublished department events at least once a week. These will include events that have been tagged as relevant for your department calendar by other event managers or anyone filling out the public Event Submission form. They will not show up in your calendar unless you publish them to it.  If you don’t want the events, you can either do nothing or you can untag your department.

Bulk Approving Events

To make publishing events quicker, you can bulk approve your events and/or the events you have access to.

  1. Click on the checkbox next to Title. This will select all the events in the list.
Bulk select events
  1. Click on the Bulk Actions dropdown, select Publish to [your school or department], and click Apply.
  1. In the GU Publish Status column, you will now see that the color of the school or department you published to has turned green from orange. This is another way to see which site an event has been published to.

Editing an Event

  1. Once you have found the event you would like to edit, hover over the event title and click Edit.
Event edit link
  1. You will now see the specific event information and make any necessary edits.
  2. To publish the event to your department calendar, you will need to make sure it is selected under Site Calendars and then you will need to click the Update Site Calendars button.
Update Site Calendars and Publish buttons
  1. Once you have made your edits, click either Publish (for events that have never been published ) or Update (for events that have previously been published) towards the top of the page.
    1. Note: After updating or publishing the event, the event information will be updated on any sites that received the event when published.
Update event button

Publishing other people’s events to your calendar

Events submitted via the public events form need to be published to the department calendars by the Event Manager of those calendars.

  1. Once you have made any desired changes following the steps in the Editing an Event section above you will need to click both “Update Site Calendars” and then “Publish”

Deleting Events

  1. If you need to delete an event, simply navigate to the event, hover over the event title, and click Trash.
Trash an event
  1. You can also bulk trash events. Follow the same steps above as you would to bulk approve events, but instead of selecting “Publish to,” select “Move to Trash.”

Add a New Event

  1. To add a new event, click on Add New under Events.
Add a new event
  1. You will now see the editing interface where you will add in information about the event.
  2. The fields in the event editor are the same fields that are on the event submission form but are just in different places.

Event Editor

The following are the various fields you’ll see in the editor when adding or editing an event:

  1. Add Title: The title of the event
  2. Paragraph area: This is where you can add a description of the event
  3. The Events Calendar
    1. Time & Date
      1. Start/End: The date and time in which the event takes place. If the event takes place all day, check the All Day Event box.
      2. Event Series: This is where you can add information on an event that is recurring.
    2. Location
      1. Venue: This is where the event takes place. You can select from locations that have already been added or you can enter a new location by typing in your own and selecting “Create: [new location].”
    3. Organizers: This does not display on the public event listing. These are the event hosts. They can be schools, departments, and/or individuals. Organizers need a name and an email.
    4. Event Website: DO NOT USE. This field does not display anywhere. Please use the links fields below.
    5. Additional Event Fields
      1. Links: If there is more information about the event, you can add links here. (e.g. a link to tickets, a link to an RSVP page)
      2. Audience: Which audience(s) the event is for
      3. Localist information: DO NOT USE. These fields are only applicable to events that were previously in the Localist Calendar system.
    6. Event Cost: How much the event costs. This is a text field so it will display as you type it.
    7. Event Fields
      1. Contact Name: This is the event host. This is what displays on the public event listing.
      2. Contact Email: The email of the event host. This is linked to from the public event listing.
      3. Other Host: An additional event host.
  4. Revisions: A list of any revisions that have been made to the event.
  5. Comments: DO NOT USE. Comments are not enabled on Events.
  6. Authors: You! Or the individual who is adding/added the event.
  7. Tags: These are tags, or keywords, that can describe the event. These do not display on the public event listing but can be useful for organizing events.
  8. Event Categories: The type of event. You can select as many as you’d like. This displays on the public event listing.
  9. Page Header Appearance: DO NOT USE.
  10. Imported Event: This area is relevant to events that have been migrated from Localist.
  11. Featured Image: This will be the banner image of your event. The recommended image size for the featured image is 2000px x 1125px, or a ratio of 16:9, and we recommend using an image with a centered focal point. We discourage the use of an image that has text in it, such as an advertising banner. The text may be cropped and rendered unreadable. If you do use an image with text, make sure you add Alt Text for accessibility.
  1. Important: there are four areas in the event editor that will need careful consideration
    1. Schools/Departments
    2. Event Options
    3. Send Event
    4. Publish


You may select which schools and department sites that you would like the event to be published on. In the public form, these are the hosts of the event.

You will be able to select any number of schools and/or departments but only you can only send the events to school and/or department sites you have permission to access. These will display on the public event listing once you publish the event, but the event will only display on any department calendars once the event managers publish the event to those calendars.

Event Options

Farther down on the page, above Featured Image on the right-hand side, you will see a checkbox next to “Hide From Event Listings.”

By checking the box, you will be hiding the event from the Events Calendar listing on at In this case, the event will only appear on the sites that the event has been sent to.

By leaving the box unchecked, the event will be submitted to the top tier calendar for display on Public Affairs will still need to review and approve your event before it will show up. See guidance for these types of events.

Publishing an Event

Once all the event information and options look correct, you may publish the event. To do so, click on Publish towards the top of the page.

Publish event button

Send Event

After publishing the event, under Send Events, you can check the boxes next to the various sites you would like the event to show on.  You will only see the sites that you are an Event Manager for.

If you need to send the event to an additional school or department website, you will need to ask an Event Manager for approval. You can see the Event Managers for the various schools and departments here.

Send event to sites