Replacement Schedule

The following lists the departments that are due to receive new computers through the current and upcoming fiscal years. Click here to view the latest university-approved standard computers for the current fiscal year.


  • AVP-CFO (Office of Campus Finance)
  • Biology
  • CCT (Communication, Culture, and Technology)
  • CNDLS (Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship)
  • Computer Science
  • Chemisty
  • CSJRTS (Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching and Service)
  • GU Press
  • John Carroll Program/Gervase Programs
  • KIE (Kenneday Institute of Ethics)
  • Linguistics
  • Mathematics
  • MSPP (McCourt School of Public Policy)
  • Philosophy
  • Physics
  • Sponsored Programs

FY 2025

  • Georgetown College-Office of the Dean
  • Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
  • OGE/OGS (formerly OIP)-Office of Global Services/Office of Global Education
  • OSFS-Office of Student Financial Services
  • Provost’s Office/OADS-Office of Assessment and Decision Support/MCOAA-Main Campus Office of Academic Appointment
  • Registrar/CETS-Classroom Educational Technology Services
  • SCS-CCPE-School of Continuing Studies/Center for Continuing and Professional Studies
  • Undergraduate Admissions

FY 2026

  • American Studies
  • Anthropology
  • Arabic
  • Art and Art History
  • Black Studies
  • Classics
  • East Asian Languages and Cultures
  • Economics
  • English
  • Environmental Studies
  • Film Studies
  • French
  • German
  • Government
  • History
  • Italian
  • Journalism
  • Justice and Peace
  • Performing Arts
  • Slavic
  • Sociology
  • Women’s Studies

FY 2027

  • Lauinger Library
  • Theology
  • Spanish and Portuguese
  • Psychology
  • SFS:
    • Asian Studies
    • BMW Center for German and European Studies
    • BSFS
    • Center for Australian, New Zealand & Pacific Studies
    • Center for Contemporary Arab Studies
    • Center for Eurasian, Russian, and East European Studies
    • Center for Jewish Civilization
    • Center for Latin American Studies
    • Center for Security Studies (CSS)
    • Graduate Career Center
    • Master of Science in Foreign Service
    • Mortara Center
    • Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding
    • SFS Dean’s Office
    • SFS-IBD
    • SFS-STIA

FY 2028

  • AVP-CFO (Office of Campus Finance)
  • Biology
  • CCT (Communication, Culture, and Technology)
  • Chemistry
  • CNDLS (Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship)
  • Computer Science
  • CSJRTS (Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching and Service)
  • GU Press
  • John Carroll Program/Gervase Programs
  • KIE (Kennedy Institute of Ethics)
  • Linguistics
  • Mathematics
  • MSPP (McCourt School of Public Policy)
  • Philosophy
  • Physics
  • Sponsored Programs