Installing the Room/Space Request System Desktop Client


  • You don’t need administrative rights on your computer to install the client.
  • If you have the previous client on your computer, you can install the new client as well.
  1. Go to to open the EMS (Event Management System) Web Deployment tool.
  2. Click on the link Download and Install the EMS Desktop Client.
  3. Click on the Keep button next to the .cfg file listing. 

  4. Click on the .cfg file listing at the bottom left of your screen. 
  5. If you’re using Google Chrome, you might see the icon shown below. Click on this icon (if it is displayed), located at the top right-hand side of your screen. 
eventspace link is highlighted

In the following pop-up, click on the link shown to download the installer file.

  1. Click on EMSApplication.exe file listing at the bottom right-hand side of your browser to start the installation process.  The client should be installed automatically (you’ll see a program icon on your Desktop). Just click on the icon to open the client.