FAQ (GURegistered)

(Note:  Since GURegistered is not a secured network, the data is not encrypted, so a hacker could potentially listen in on a conversation, obtain personal information, or read your email or anything you print.)

GURegistered is currently only available in student residence halls.

What is GURegistered?

GURegistered is a wireless network meant for devices that do not support the 802.1x protocol such as game consoles, wireless printers, smart TVs, and IoT (Internet of Things) devices.  This is an unsecured network that does not provide additional security beyond what is provided by the device you are using.

Devices that might be used to connect to GURegistered include gaming systems (e.g., Nintendo, Sony, Xbox); TV and streaming systems (Apple TV, Roku, Google Chromecast, smart TVs); and printers.

Who is eligible to use GURegistered?

GURegistered is available only to current Georgetown students, faculty, and staff. GURegistered is also meant only for personal use, not for business devices, such as a department printer.

What do I need to do to use GURegistered?

Before you can connect your device to the GURegistered network, you’ll first need to register your device in GURegistered using your NetID credentials. 

Why can I only add up to 3 devices at a time?

Having a cap at 3 devices allows everyone to have access to the GURegistered service. Please note that you can always remove a device at any time if you need to register another device

How do I find my device’s MAC address?

You can click here for details on how to find the MAC address for your device.

How do I connect to GURegistered?

Click here for steps on how to connect your device to GURegistered.

Can I connect to GURegistered with my mobile phone or laptop computer?

Yes, but you’ll first need to register your device.

Which password should I enter on my device to access GURegistered?

You should enter your NetID and NetID password. 

Is GURegistered secure?

No, GURegistered is not a secure network. (SaxaNet is a secure network.) Data sent over GURegistered is not encrypted, so a hacker could potentially listen in on a conversation, obtain personal information, or read your email or anything you print.

When I connect to GURegistered, and try to open a web page, the device registration portal comes up. Why is that happening?

You need to register your device before you can conduct any activity, such as web browsing and using email, over the network.

I tried to register my device, but received a “Pending” status message when I add the device.

If “Pending” appears next to your device’s listing, the device will still be registered, and you’ll still be able to use your device to connect to GURegistered.

I just purchased a TV streaming service (e.g., YouTube TV, Hulu, Sling TV); how do I connect to GURegistered so I can use the service?

You’ll need to register the device on which you’ll be streaming.

I can’t connect to GUR using my Xbox One?

Click here to access Xbox One connection troubleshooting instructions

I’m getting a weak signal when I try to connect my device to GUR?

If you’re receiving a weak signal, GURegistered may not be currently available in your residence hall. GURegistered is being rolled out gradually to all residence halls.

Who can I contact if I need assistance with GURegistered?

For assistance with GURegistered, contact the Georgetown University Service Center by going to help.georgetown.edu